What Causes Denture Pain?


  • Rarely, some people can be allergic to the resin or plastic used in dentures. In this case, alternate materials can be used.

Chewing Pressure

  • When you have natural teeth, they are anchored to the jaw so when you bite down, the pressure is directly on the bone. But when you have dentures, it will take practice to get used to them and for your gums to become accustomed to the different feeling of wearing dentures. This type of pain is usually temporary.

Improper Fit

  • New Dentures
    • Dentures have a base, generally made of resin, which sits on top of the existing gum line. These soft tissues are very sensitive and if the denture does not fit properly, it will move while eating and speaking, rubbing the gums. If a permanent denture is placed before the gums and jaw have fully healed, typically 8-12 weeks, it will likely become loose and need adjustment
  • Old Dentures
    • When teeth are removed, the underlying bone will begin to shrink and the gums will alter their shape. Most dentures will need some adjustment as the mouth changes

Poor Oral Hygiene

  • Removing Dentures Nightly
    • It’s important to remove your dentures nightly and clean them according to the dentist’s recommendation. This not only gives the gums a time to rest, but it keeps the dentures from having a build-up of bacteria and yeast which can lead to infection of the gums or oral thrush
    • When you remove your dentures, be sure to place them in covered container of water or a denture solution to prevent warping. Store them according to your dentist’s recommendation
  • Brush Gums Regularly
    • Use a soft-bristle toothbrush to gently brush your gums, tongue, and roof of the mouth every morning
  • Follow-Up with Dentist Regularly
    • It is very important to follow-up with your dentist at least every 6 months (or sooner if instructed) to ensure that your mouth, gums, and dentures are well taken care of and any problems are caught and treated early.
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